CAMPFIRE Presale Announcement

2 min readMay 3, 2021

📢 Presale

Date: 10/05/21 UTC 12:00 ~ 11/05/21 UTC 12:00

Allocation: 1,184 BNB

Price: $0.8

returns: 1,184 BNB worth of CAMP tokens

Link to Join: TBA

Launch: 10/05/21

Reward Payout: 10/05/21

  • 845 CAMP Tokens are given per 1 BNB. If all 1,184 BNB gets sold, an allocated of a total 200,000 CAMP will be issued.

👨‍🌾 Intended Uses

  1. Liquidity Pool
  • Once the pool is created, 1,184 BNB and 1,000,000 CAMP will be put in the Dodo exchange Liquidity Pool (Est. Value: $800,000).
  • CAMP Tokens will be given to presale participants according to their share.

Note: Pre-sale will take place on the dodo exchange and liquidity would be locked by the dodo exchange for two years, would be locked manually after the first year.

🏦 Tokenomics

  • Degens: Buy CAMPat the start of launch. Sell when the price becomes high enough to fulfill your greedy desire. The Probability of CAMP dropping below the initial price of $1 is very low. 1) Presale Participants will buy CAMP at $0.8 and will not sell below that price at a loss. 2) As CAMP Price goes up, CAMP issued volume will decrease.
  • Smart Investors: Stake CAMP long-term. The APY of CAMP Pool is amazing and real! The meaning of CAMP Pool’s APY 100% is if you buy $10 worth of CAMP now and stake it for 1 year, you will receive $10 worth of BNB. If you sell the remaining CAMP on the market, you can also capitalize on profits there. If you are a wise investor, you would meticulously analyze the APY of the staking pool and earn profits not only from the BNB rewards, but also from selling the CAMP as well.

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